News and developments

Covid-19 and Our Offices

Extent section has been introduced on our website. 

Considering recent developments and their possible reflections in the future, as Şengün & Partners, we have decided to introduce a new section named "Extent" on our website "".

Under Extent, we will be sharing our analysis and implications based on recent developments on politics, finance and law.

To introduce the Extent, our Founding Partner Nedim Korhan Şengün, M.A. has written out this thoughts regarding consequences of Covid-19 pandemic, precautions taken by our Office and Covid-19's reflections in the future.

Covid-19 and Our Offices

The world is experiencing the aftermath of the Covid 19 pandemic. Human health should be the main priority in this difficult situation. The world of medicine working painstakingly, has added to its agenda to provide treatment to people and on the other hand to develop a vaccine that will prevent the virus.

Meanwhile, there are also developments in the world of politics, finance and law which will lead to further outcomes and serious results. It should be noted that the globe has not taken a united action against this pandemic. On the contrary, the fight against pandemic was drawn to the level of national defense and almost every country had to take action on its own. The process has developed as such for now.  Global institutions, have failed in a global struggle based on global solidarity. However, global financial institutions have announced that they will initiate a credit processes to eliminate financial losses. Its undeniable that these will have their consequences. We will also provide our opinions on these outcomes.

The society of law has primarily safeguarded the health of its employees, and has managed to protect the representation and rights of citizens and institutions.

Our law offices have immediately re-arranged the work organization in order to protect the wellbeing of our employees and their families and our clients while implementing an office culture that gives priority to people.

In our offices, a shift system was first introduced for our attorneys, then the number of attorneys on duty were reduced. The shift system continued for a while, and parallel to the developments of the pandemic, the system of working from home was introduced.

During which, great attention was paid to maintain the hygiene in our offices.

We are still taking care of business. Instant and active coordination was established with clients from different sectors and quires were also swiftly resolved.

Our work process continues in the same manner. Every regulation that is enacted with the pandemic is notified to the client, while we provide comments in order to resolve our clients’ legal problems

By implementing distance-working, we provided each of our lawyers with a laptop while the flow of information was ensured by reviewing the possibility to remotely connect to our data system. Our IT consultants constantly check the system to eliminate any vulnerability. We continue our operations by conducting video conferences with our colleagues and our clients.

Our colleagues in the litigation department prepare their petitions on time and carry out their control and approval processes although the deadlines and courthouse services are postponed.

We share all developments by providing written information to our clients as soon as possible. However, we provide general and useful information to third parties as a part of social responsibility with articles and publish it in the ŞENGÜN HUKUK YAYINLARI (ŞENGUN LEGAL PUBLICATIONS) section.

Furthermore, we also provide information by sharing our articles on LinkedIn.

Whether it is for our clients or not, we act with the awareness that sharing information is also a social responsibility during this pandemic.

The pandemic will eventually but surely end, and financial recovery will start. Our offices will continue to provide all necessary legal services during these processes.

We are always here to answer your questions.


N.Korhan Şengün, M.A.

Founding Partner

Content supplied by Sengün & Partners Attorney Partnership