Mag iur Triin Kaurov > TGS Baltic > Tartu, Estonia > Lawyer Profile

TGS Baltic
Kaluri 2
51004 Tartu
Triin Kaurov photo

Work Department

Infrastructure & PPP / ESG / Energy / Environment / Dispute Resolution / Competition / Arbitration, Mediation & ADR / Public Procurement / Employment / Public Sector & Constitutional Law


Triin Kaurov has long-term and significant experience in advising clients on administrative and civil matters and representing them in related disputes. Her expertise is highly regarded among clients both in matters related to daily business activities as well as in making strategically important decisions. Triin has excellent experience and knowledge of how various sectors function, having advised and represented both entrepreneurs and public authorities in the field of public administration. She has given legal advice in many complex and multi-faceted legislative matters regarding permits, licensing requirements and enforcement issues.

Triin has represented clients in special regulative fields, such as electronic communications, electricity, postal services and water regulation, and waste management. She also has considerable experience in providing legal advice in the field of public procurement.

Triin has drafted several legal analyses, including an analysis of the draft amendments to the law, the relevance and appropriateness of the transposition of the provisions of the European Commission Directive into Estonian legislation and the constitutionality of the Administrative Reform Act. She represented 24 Estonian municipalities in the Supreme Court in the constitutional review of the Administrative Reform Act, and nine municipalities in challenging the forced merger decisions made by the Government of Estonia.

Triin also has broad experience in employment law. She has worked as a HR lawyer and knows what human resources managers deal with and how to legally resolve or prevent risks associated with personnel. Triin has extensive experience in drafting employment and management contracts, confidentiality and non-competition agreements and representing clients in related disputes. She has advised on matters relating to temporary agency work, secondment to a foreign country, collective agreements, as well as advised and represented clients in complex occupational health and safety disputes.


Since 2022
Partner, law firm TGS Baltic
Associate Partner, law firm TGS Baltic
Senior Associate, law firm TGS Baltic (formerly Varul)
Senior Associate, law firm Varul
Senior Associate, law firm Glimstedt (formerly Glimstedt Straus & Partnerid)
Associate, law firm Glimstedt Straus & Partnerid
Associate, law firm Bachmann & Partnerid
Lawyer, law firm Bachmann & Partnerid
Human Resources Lawyer, University of Tartu


Estonian, English, French, Russian


Administrative Law Commission of Estonian Bar Association
Estonian Bar Association


University of Tartu, Faculty of Economy, Financial Management, MBA
University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, mag. iur.
University of Tartu, Faculty of Law, BA

Lawyer Rankings

Estonia > Employment

(Leading partners)

Triin Kaurov  – TGS Baltic

TGS Baltic‘s employment group demonstrates ‘professionalism and good teamwork‘ while dealing with a range of contentious and non-contentious labour law issues. Anu Kirss jointly leads the group alongside Triin Kaurov, who is praised for her ‘remarkable experience, and very rational and well-considered solutions‘, and new arrival Indrek Ergma, who joined the firm in early 2024 following its merger with PwC Legal. Restructuring is a standout area for the group, and personnel restructuring a key area of work for Kirss.

Estonia > Shipping and transport

(Next Generation Partners)

Triin Kaurov  – TGS Baltic

TGS Baltic assists clients with a range of transport matters, from aviation to shipping, utilising its ‘comprehensive knowledge of maritime law‘ and international contacts to assist foreign transport companies. Practice head Martti Peetsalu is integral to the group’s work and is a well-known litigator with a history of representing clients in the Supreme Court in transport matters. Triin Kaurov‘s multidisciplinary approach is also instrumental to the team’s success in a range of mandates.

Estonia > EU and competition

TGS Baltic has ‘very good experts who are doing good work to understand the aims of the client’. Triinu Järviste heads the team and is a ‘real expert in competition and state aid questions’. Another key team member is Triin Kaurov, who has ‘remarkable experience, is very committed, and gives rational and well-considered solutions’. As a whole, the group has been involved in many of the major competition law investigations in recent years, and recently won a state aid case in the European General Court. Triinu Järviste is another name to note for competition law matters.