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Divorce in Romania

In Romania, the Civil Code provides several ways of dissolution of marriage in Romania, including the divorce proceedings in Romania. This article examines aspects such as divorce types in Romania, reasons for divorce in Romaniadivorce proceedings in Romaniapartition in Romanianotary divorce in Romania, partition of joint assets in Romania and partition through the court. The Romanian law firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates recommends contacting a divorce lawyer in Romania or a divorce attorney in Romania to assist and represent you in divorce proceedings in Romania or any other form of dissolution of marriage in Romania.

Family solicitors in Romania. Divorce types in Romania

There are various ways to obtain the dissolution of marriage in Romania through the divorce proceedings in Romania, depending on circumstances and the will of the parties. The most common divorce types in Romania are judicial divorce (court proceedings), notary divorce in Romania, and administrative divorce by mutual agreement. Depending on the parties’ will, family solicitors in Romania from the team can provide advice on these divorce types in Romania, ensuring that you choose the option best suited to your situation.

Divorce lawyer in Romania. Judicial divorce in Romania

Judicial divorce occurs when a party proceeds to file for divorce in Romania with the competent court. For a judicial divorce, certain conditions must be met, such as the existence of free and uncoerced consent, and neither spouse being under legal disability. Typically, spouses opt for judicial divorce when they cannot agree on partition in Romania on the joint assets in Romania, leading to a court-ordered division. The divorce petition is filed with the court of the spouses’ last shared residence. During the divorce proceedings in Romania, the court may also rule on parental responsibilities, property division (through partition in Romania), the spouses’ names after the dissolution of the marriage, and other related matters. In some cases, even when the spouses agree on the divorce in Romania, they may still choose to have the court issue a ruling. “At the hearing, the court will verify if the spouses insist on dissolution of marriage in Romania by mutual agreement, and if so, will grant the divorce without attributing blame. In the same ruling, the court will acknowledge the spouses’ agreement on ancillary requests, according to the law.” A divorce attorney in Romania can assist in the divorce proceedings in Romania, ensuring that the rights and interests of the parties are respected.

Divorce attorney in Romania: Administrative or notary divorce in Romania

If there are no minor children from the marriage and both spouses agree, the civil registrar or notary from the place of marriage or the spouses’ last shared residence may obtain the dissolution of marriage in Romania by mutual agreement. A divorce certificate will be issued, proving the dissolution of marriage in Romania. In the case of a notary divorce in Romania with partition in Romania, common assets will be divided according to the matrimonial regime chosen. If there are disagreements between the parties, they can turn to the court for the division of joint assets in RomaniaFamily solicitors in Romania can assist in any of the aforementioned divorce types in Romania.

“The divorce proceedings in Romania can be complicated, and situations may arise where the assistance of a divorce lawyer in Romania becomes necessary, which is why it is recommended that a divorce attorney in Romania helps from the early stages,” stated the Managing Partner of the Romanian law firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates, Dr. Radu Pavel.

The Romanian law firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates encourages you to confidently contact family solicitors in Romania from their team, who have extensive experience in this field, by filling out the contact form at

In conclusion, divorce in Romania represents a way dissolution of marriage in Romania. The most common from the divorce types in Romania are judicial divorce (court proceedings), notary divorce in Romania with partition in Romania (by mutual agreement through a notary), and administrative divorce by mutual agreement. The Romanian law firm Pavel, Mărgărit and Associates recommends contacting a divorce attorney in Romania to ensure that the procedure is carried out according to legal provisions, with the aim of protecting the rights and interests of the clients.

Content supplied by Pavel, Margarit & Associates Romanian Law Firm