
Malak Yasser

Malak Yasser




Malak Yasser is a member of the disputes resolution department at Rizkana & Partners Law Firm.

Prior to joining Rizkana & Partners, Malak has gained over 2 years of experience as an Arbitration and Corporate Associate at a leading law firm in the Egyptian market. During this time, she successfully represented clients in commercial arbitration cases before CRCICA and delved into different sectors including pharmaceuticals and renewable energy.

Committed to the field, Malak is also an active member of the arbitration mooting community, where she regularly serves as an arbitrator.


Arabic, English and French


Malak graduated top her class with a double LLB from Sorbonne university and Cairo University. Malak also holds a Maîtrise in International and European Business Law (ranking third) and a Master's degree in International Arbitration From Sorbonne university (ranking first).