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Aiman Odeh


Senior Partner Aiman Odeh has been practising law in the Middle East region since 1985. An overseas associate at 4 New Square Chambers (London), he is well-versed in all forms of dispute resolution, especially in the fields of investment, concessions, banking, construction, agency and licensing agreements, securities, and regulatory matters. He has extensive experience in investment disputes and ICSID and OIC arbitration, in addition to ICC and ad hoc arbitration. He is a member of the Panels of Arbitrators of the World Bank Group (ICISD).

Having held cabinet positions in the Jordanian Government, Aiman has significant experience in constitutional matters and judicial reforms and has given advice on these matters to other Arab countries. He is well acquainted with the U.S. Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) and its exceptions, in addition to the anti-terrorism acts. He is also knowledgeable about the rules of Islamic Doctrine, upon which the civil laws applicable in many Middle Eastern jurisdictions were founded.


Qualified 1985; In-house Counsel at the Arab Bank, Head Office, Amman, Jordan (1984-88); Legal Consultant in Kuwait (1988-90); Attorney at Law practising before the Jordanian courts and national and international arbitral tribunals (1990-2007); Judge, Arab Investment Court, Arab League, Cairo, Egypt (2004-2006); Minister of Justice, Jordan (2007 – 2010); Minister for Cabinet Affairs and Legislation, Jordan (2011-2012); Overseas associate at 4 New Square Chambers, London (2019-present); Senior Partner at Bakr & Odeh Law Firm (2013-present).


Arabic and English


Member of the Board of Directors of the Central Bank of Jordan; the Board of Trustees of the Jordanian National Commission for Women; and the Panels of Arbitrators of the World Bank Group (ICISD), Dubai International Arbitration Centre (DIAC) and Saudi Centre for Commercial Arbitration (SCCA). Formerly Member of the Board of Trustees of the National Centre for Human Rights; the Royal Committee for Judicial Reforms; the Senate’s Legal Affairs Committee and Committee for Legislative and Judicial Reform (also Senator); the Board of Trustees of Mu’tah University (all Jordan).


University of Jordan, Bachelor of Laws (1982), University of Miami (USA), Masters of Law (1984).


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