Cases & Lacambra
caseslacambra.comInternational capabilities
Cases&Lacambra is a Client focused international law firm, with a deep commitment to offer the best comprehensive advice in business law. Our lawyers have international exposure and are present in major international legal venues such as the IBA/IFA forums.
Additionally, during 2018 the Andorran office became a member of the asset recovery network ICC Fraudnet and has helped the Andorran Chamber of Commerce to develop the Andorran Arbitration Tribunal.
We believe our Firm and its lawyers have unparalleled experience in their fields of practice in comparison with their local competitors that do not have presence in the EU or the U.S.
International Desk
- Eastern Europe and Turkish Desk: The Eastern European, Russian and Turkish Desk, maintains a close link, in matters related to Real Estate foreign investment, with the main locations and markets which are investing in Spain in the Real Estate sector from EEC region. In this sense, Mr. Tienda has a large expertise practicing in the region for more than 10 years, always in relation with Foreign investment and Real Estate towards Spain and from Spain to EEC. The members of the Desk have a wide professional cross-border experience in this sector, working closely and in collaboration with the most relevant local firms of undisputed prestige in this field.
- Financial Centers Desk: The Financial Centers Desk, maintains a close link, in matters regarding banking and finance law, with the main locations that are currently leading this sector in the world like London, New York, Hong Kong, Singapore or Frankfurt, among others. In this sense, Cases & Lacambra, through this Desk, assesses any Clients that have interests in any of those jurisdictions and which may be also linked to Spain or Andorra. The members of this Desk have a wide professional cross-border experience in this sector, practising regularly in most of the main world financial centers, as well as maintaining a close collaboration with the most relevant local firms of undisputed prestige in this field.
- Latin America Desk: From our Miami office, our firm coordinates and advises Spanish interests in Latin America and, at the same time, channels the legal and tax advice of relevant Latin American companies, family offices and financial players towards Spain and Andorra. Our lawyers assist our Clients, Spanish and foreigners, establishing Spain as an investment hub towards Latin America. Cases & Lacambra regularly works with some of the main law firms in different jurisdictions, which allows a full advice, taking in consideration the particularity of each jurisdiction and the specific area of law, identifying the best and most suitable professionals for each situation.
- Middle East Desk: Cases & Lacambra is a reference advising investment transactions between Spain and the Middle East. The inbound and outbound investment opportunities between Spain and Middle East are growing rapidly. In this sense, an increasing number of companies from Middle East have increased their interests in the Spanish market, likewise, the Spanish interests towards the Middle East region is significantly increasing. Cases & Lacambra launched the Middle East Desk to support the business interests between the regions and provides a tailor-made legal advice to the cross-border transactions. Our professionals of the Middle East Desk have an extended expertise in the region as they have practised, during several years, in many jurisdictions that integrate this Desk. They have advised in large number of transactions which have allowed them to acquire the necessary skills to understand and learn the local know-how. On-going legal advice to Jordan high-net worth individuals. Speaker at seminars of doing business in the Middle East (i.e. UAE).