
Sarah Campbell

Leigh Day, London

Work Department

Clinical Negligence


Sarah practises exclusively in the area of claimant clinical negligence work. Her cases largely arise from severe neurological injury, birth injury and death. She has a particular interest in claims involving cardiac and renal transplantation, maternal death during or shortly after childbirth, and antenatal screening failures. She acted successfully for several of the bereaved families following the run of maternal deaths at Northwick Park Hospital. She also acts for claimants who have suffered severe neurological damage after inappropriate neurosurgical intervention. Sarah’s reported case of Birch v University College London Hospital NHS Foundation Trust [2008] EWHC 2237, remains a leading case about obtaining informed consent from a patient. Her interest in informed consent cases continues and she is currently acting for both the living donor and the widow of a diabetic patient who underwent a successful kidney transplant at a leading transplant unit at a time when he had an active infection in his foot, only to result in his death a few weeks later from overwhelming infection. In consenting to undergo surgery, neither the donor nor the recipient of the kidney were warned of the significantly increased risks associated with proceeding with the transplant, which would require immuno-suppression, in the presence of on-going infection.