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Alessandra Ghezzi


2018-2023: Junior Partner, Gatti Pavesi Bianchi Ludovici (Milan)

2013: Secondment at Società per Azioni Esercizi Aeroportuali S.E.A. S.p.A. (Milan)

2012-2018: Associate, Gatti Pavesi Bianchi Ludovici (Milan)

2007-2011: Lawyer, Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP (Rome)

2006-2007: Intern with the Italian Antitrust Authority (Autorità Garante della Concorrenza e del Mercato, Rome)

2006:  Intern at European Commission – Health and Consumer Protection Directorate (Brussels)

2002: Legal Intern at General Electric Aero Energy (Houston)


Admitted to the Rome Bar association in March 2011 and fellow member of Canova Club (Milan, Rome), the Law Alumni Association – LAA (NYU School of Law) and the Italian Society of Construction Law (ISCL)


Alessandra Ghezzi is a Counsel based at Linklaters' Milan offices specialized in corporate law advice to domestic and international clients, particularly on mergers & acquisitions and other extraordinary transactions. She gained nearly twenty years of experience in advising both corporate and PE clients in some of the most complex Italian M&A transactions in recent years.


2011-2012: Master of Laws (LL.M.) from the New York University School of Law (New York), and specialization course in Corporate Governance at NYU Stern School of Business

2005: Post graduate diploma from The London School of Economics (London) 

2001-2006: Masters of Science from Università Commerciale L. Bocconi (Milan), magna cum laude

July 2004: Law degree, magna cum laude
