Russell Advocaten B.V.
russell.nlClient SatisfactionLawyers

Reinier W.L. Russell
- Phone+31 20 301 55 55
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Corporate and commercial law; Labour/Employment Law; Litigation; Mediation (trained NMI Mediator); Boardroom counseling; Distribution and agency.
Reinier Russell is the managing partner of the law firm of Russell Advocaten, which he joined in 1990. He represents the interests of large Dutch companies, foreign companies based or active in the Netherlands and domestic and foreign government authorities. His main practice areas are corporate litigation, drafting contracts, boardroom counselling and employment law. In addition, Reinier is certified as a mediator.
1990- Lawyer at Russell Advocaten. 1999- Partner of Russell Advocaten. Major publications: Dealing with the Dutch. An introduction to Dutch business law, Amsterdam, Russell Advocaten, 2015, 3rd, revised edition (1st edition: 2006). Handboek ontslagrecht (Handbook on the Law on Termination of Employment Contracts), Antwerpen/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 2012, 2nd edition (1st edition: 2009).
English, Dutch, German.
International Board of Directors, International Society of Primerus Law Firms. Dutch Bar Association. Trade Law Association. Dutch Association for Litigation Law. Honorary Consul of Brazil in Amsterdam. Chairman of the Netherlands Consular Association. Board Member of the Holland America Friendship Foundation. Founder and President of the Network Young Philanthropic Professionals. Board member of several charitable organisations.
1990 LL.M. in Civil Law, VU University Amsterdam. 1990 M.S.L., VU University Amsterdam. 2001 Mediation training (NMI).