Joanna Bailey > Giambrone > London, England > Lawyer Profile

12 Bridewell Pl

Work Department

Financial institution litigation including Forex fraud and regulatory disputes




Joanna Bailey heads the banking and financial fraud litigation department

Joanna frequently leads the litigation against financial institutions involved in Forex/binary trading disputes, as well as cryptocurrency issues and regulatory investigations and has some considerable success in retrieving the funds lost in fraudulent investment schemes.

Joanna has developed a range of strategies both to find the assets of the individuals perpetrating the fraudulent schemes and restore the funds to our clients. As well as recognising culpability in the organisations facilitating (but not associated with the fraud), by failing to undertake adequate due diligence.  Joanna undertakes professional negligence, negligent misrepresentation and fraud, asset tracing and recovery, freezing orders and other injunctions and interim remedies, international/conflict of laws and human rights.

is highly experienced in high value out-of-court settlement negotiations and has an in-depth knowledge of the Civil Procedure Rules as well as English common law.

She was instrumental in orchestrating the ground-breaking case involving a cryptocurrency fraud whereby for the first time in Europe (the second time globally) court papers were served by NFT through blockchain.

Joanna is highly regarded for her meticulous approach and her persistence when investigating international fraud matters.  Her considerable experience and dogged pursuit frequently that leads to the successful recovery of funds for clients.




Graduate member of the Chartered Institute of Legal Executives