
Andrea Lasar

Maiwald GmbH, Germany

Work Department

Andrea Lasar's professional activities are in the field of German and international intellectual property protection. She advises and represents clients in patent prosecution matters as well as in opposition, nullity and infringement proceedings. She regularly prepares freedom-to-operate and validity opinions for clients in the areas of biochemistry, biotechnology and pharmacy, with a particular emphasis on biosimilar development.


since 2018 Partner at Maiwald since 2006 Patent attorney at Maiwald 2003 - 2005 Patent attorney trainee at Maiwald




Partner German Patent Attorney European Patent Attorney Representative before the UPC Biologist


2023 Admitted to practice before the UPC 2007 Admitted to practice as European Patent Attorney 2006 Admitted to practice as German patent attorney 2003 - 2005 Studied law for patent attorneys at the University of Hagen 1998 - 2003 Doctoral degree in the field of immunology and cell biology from the Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg and Ulm University 1993 - 1998 Studied biology at Julius Maximilian University of Würzburg