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Paulina Espinoza

Paulina Espinoza

Work Department

Internet Domain Name and Trademark Protection Strategies, Trademarks, Internet Domain Names, Industrial Property Contracts, Labeling Regulations.


Attorney at Law - Associate - Head of Trademarks


2016, associate attorney at Insunza & Compañía. 2017 – 2018, associate attorney at Urzúa & Compañía. 2018 – 2019, attorney at PSINET Holding, formed by PSINET, Netglobalis, CTR and FOA. 2019 – 2022, attorney and acting head of the Judicial Department of the Metropolitan Housing and Urbanization Service.


English and Spanish


Master of Laws LLM (c) UC Berkeley School of Law, Berkeley, California, USA, 2010. Diploma in Intellectual Property (IPSI), Franklin Pierce Law Center (University of New Hampshire), Concord, N.H., United States, 2003. D., Universidad de los Andes School of Law, Santiago, Chile. Admitted 2000.


Paulina is an associate and coordinator of the International Trademark Department. Her professional practice focuses on trademark protection strategies and internet domain names. Additionally, she actively participates in the filing, prosecution and litigation of all kinds related to trademarks and domain names in Chile.


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