Region Area


Saida Quintero

Saida Quintero

Work Department

Collective bargaining


I represent one of the main partners of the firm, fulfilling directive functions and especially dedicated to the management and services of the Department of collective contracting.


I am a lawyer specializing in labor law and industrial relations, dedicated to providing consulting and consulting services to national and multinational companies, with more than 20 years of experience in the legal labor support of companies, as well as exercising representation before labor justice in more than 400 processes.

I have also participated in processes of restructuring of companies with direct management of strategies and personnel negotiation.

UNIVERSITY CATHEDRAL- Universidad del Rosario, School of Business Administration Business Law.- Rosario University, Faculty of Jurisprudence Collective Labor Law- Universidad del Rosario, Faculty of Jurisprudence Specialization Individual and Collective Labor Law- Externado University, Lecturer in Masters and Diplomates- Lecturer at gatherings, Colloquiums of the Rosaristas Bar Association, the Republican Corporation on Issues related to Collective Labor Law



• University of Rosario, faculty of Jurisprudence, obtaining the title of lawyer• Specialist in Labor Law and Industrial Relations of the Externado de Colombia University• Rosario University. Diploma in Labor Administrative Law.
