Mello Torres

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Renata Ribeiro Kingston

Mello Torres, Brazil

Work Department

Tax, Mining and Crisis Managment



Renata Ribeiro Kingston is a tax partner at Souza, Mello e Torres Advogados. She is highly recognized in the corporate and tax world, expending almost twenty years as inhouse counsel of Vale S.A. As deputy general counsel, she coordinated a huge variety of complex legal matters.

Renata gained extensive experience while heading the tax risk and advisory department at Vale S.A. She also advised in several corporate reorganizations targeting profit maximization and tax loss mitigation. She has led the negotiation of tax matters in a number of cross-border transactions.

As part of her international experience, she worked as attorney at Chadbourne & Parke LLP in New York, being involved in several M&A and Capital Markets transactions.


Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro Chapter (OAB/RJ).




Mrs. Kingston earned her law degree from Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-RJ) and has a postgraduation on Business law from IBMEC, LL.M. degree from Northwestern Pritzker School of Law and certificate of Business Administration from I.E.