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Walalangi & Partners in association with Nishimura & Asahi

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Femalia Indrainy Kusumowidagdo




Ms. Femalia Indrainy Kusumowidagdo is an experienced Indonesian lawyer, with more than six years of experience, particularly focusing in banking and finance and capital market.

Ms. Femalia Indrainy Kusumowidagdo obtained her law degree from Univesitas Indonesia, where she actively participated in a wide range of organizational activities, among others, the Asian Law Students Association (ALSA) and Students’ Executive Body (Badan Eksekutif Mahasiswa).

Prior to joining Walalangi & Partners, she worked as an associate in another prominent law firm in Indonesia and she had the privilege to be seconded to branches of an American bank and a French bank.

She advises and handles numerous types of clients including offshore and onshore banks, financial institutions, non- profit organization, and private as well as public listed companies in the areas of banking and finance, capital market and general corporate.


English, Indonesian


Universitas Indonesia – Bachelor of Law

Content supplied by Walalangi & Partners in association with Nishimura & Asahi