Mrs Eva-Maj Mühlenbock > Cirio Advokatbyrå AB > Stockholm, Sweden > Lawyer Profile

Cirio Advokatbyrå AB
Biblioteksgatan 9
Eva-Maj Mühlenbock photo

Work Department

Public Procurement


Eva-Maj is a partner and Head of Public Procurement, and has over 30 years’ experience of advising public and private sector clients on all aspects of public procurement and competition law, and has been a leading lawyer in the Swedish market in these areas for many years. Eva-Maj also has extensive experience of commercial dispute resolution.

She is also Chair of the Swedish Bar Association, where she has played a leading role in recent years.

Eva-Maj is co-author of the Commentary on the Swedish Public Procurement Act (Kommentar till Lag (2016:1145) om offentlig upphandling) and the Commentary on the Swedish Act on Public Procurement Act within the Water, Energy, Transport and Postal Services Sectors. In addition, Eva-Maj has on several occasions been asked by the Government of Sweden to participate in “round table discussions.”

Eva-Maj is co-chairman, together with Ellen Hausel Heldahl (Svenskt Näringsliv), for the network JUC – Public Procurement in Sweden (since start 2015).

Lawyer Rankings

Sweden > Public procurement

(Leading partners)

Eva-Maj MühlenbockCirio Advokatbyrå AB

Cirio Advokatbyrå AB’s public procurement team represents both public authorities and suppliers in relation to all stages of the procurement process, from tendering issues through to disputes, with particular strength in the energy and infrastructure, life sciences, healthcare, technology and real estate sectors. Practice head Eva-Maj Mühlenbock specialises in contentious and non-contentious IT, defence, and life sciences matters, and Ulrica Salomon handles tender issues and the related disputes, especially in the transport and telecoms spaces.