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EU Restructuring Directive’s implementation in Poland

Current status

  • Currently Polish lower chamber of Parliament – Sejm will no take further legislative actions, so the governmental initiative to introduce so called second chance directive (also known as the Restructuring Directive – 2019/1023) will wait for its time after elections planned for 15/10/2023.
  • Governmental document provided for some really interesting restructuring tools, like the possibility to more easily cross-class cram-down, amendments to liquidation arrangement and the possibility to change (up to some extent) the arrangement by the court – in certain circumstances.
  • The draft implementation is currently within the Polish Government Legislative Centre, not being finally approved by the government and not being send to the Parliament for adoption.
  • Publicly available draft (in Polish only, ID: UC120) can be found at:
  • Although most probably the document will be formally discontinued, we believe that this initiative will be taken on once again as soon as new Polish authorities are chosen.
  • Paweł Kuglarz; Mateusz Kaliński, LL.M.; Tatara & Partners; Poland, contact: [email protected]

    Content supplied by Tatara & Partners Restructuring & Insolvency Law Firm