News and developments


The database of cases and legal advice rendered to Clients gives KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL a great opportunity to obtain information about the legal environment and real regulatory problems of companies operating in the software,

cybersecurity and pharmaceutical markets, which our team presents on our information website. The selected dealings concerned recently:

1/ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN CLINICAL TRIALS – PRACTICAL AND LEGAL ASPECTS – we warmly invite you to read the text about technologies that accelerate product design in medicine. The text allows practitioners to assess whether new technologies fit into the subject of regulatory law in this narrow part of the process of collecting clinical evidence for the claimed effects of a product;

2/ FEW COMMENTS ON PSEUDO-ANONYMISATION: SECRET KEY ENCRYPTION, HASH FUNCTION, HASH FUNCTION WITH KEY, DETERMINISTIC ENCRYPTION AND TOKENIZATION – we encourage the analysis of the text on pseudo-anonymization methods in the perspective of the requirements of GDPR and data protection.

3/ NEXT GENERATION VIRTUAL WORLDS – WHAT OPPORTUNITIES MAY THEY BRING? HUMAN-MACHINE INTERACTION, EXTENDED REALITY, DIGITAL TWINNING - we invite you to read the text about VR technology and the environment of application and functionality of this technology.

4/ REAL ESTATE TOKENIZATION – SALES OF 20 THOUSAND SHARES OF THE MOST EXPENSIVE APARTMENT IN POLAND AT 44 ZŁOTA STREET – we also invite you to read the case of the controversial real property tokenization in Poland, namely a sale of a luxury apartment in Warsaw by dividing an apartment worth PLN 23 million into 20,000 shares and selling them using tokenization technology. Each share will be available for PLN 5,000, $bigSB 777 or 504 NFT AIRdrop for all interested parties. The question arises whether such speculation on the market value of real estate is consistent with Polish real estate law.

5/ 15 NEW MEDICAL PROFESSIONS IN POLAND – FROM MARCH 26, 2024 – we encourage you to familiarize yourself with the evolution of Polish medical regulatory law, which is opening up to new medical professions.

6/ PLANNED AMENDMENTS TO ABORTION LAW IN POLAND – CONTROVERSIES - KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI used the very high activity of the Polish Parliament to summarize the legal status of medical procedures related to maternity questions and abortion law in Poland.

7/ IS IT WORTH CONDUCTING CLINICAL TRIALS OF MODERN DRUGS AND DEVICES IN THE EUROPEAN UNION? IS THE EU ATTRACTIVE FOR INVESTMENT COMPARED TO OTHER PARTS OF THE WORLD? – KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI has gained experience in working under the basic EU regulation on clinical trials of medicinal products. We have established legal priorities arising from the recitals of this basic legal act.

8/ POLAND WILL IMPLEMENT NEW REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE RULES FOR CONDUCTING SPACE ACTIVITIES – our lawyers analyzed the latest changes in Polish space law. We encourage you to read the text, because Polish jurisdiction is a critical place for the current situation in Central and Eastern Europe, also from the perspective of cybersecurity.

Content supplied by Kieltyka Gladkowski KG Legal