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KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL acts before the Polish Supreme Court - the Polish Supreme Court creates the jurisprudence and creates new interpretation of law in the case handled by one of the senior lawyers from the team of KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI KG LEGAL admitted to the Bar in 1982

In KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI each court case is handled by a team that combines the experience of a senior statesperson with the fresh energy of a new generation of lawyers, and this combination of live human power accelerates the potential of winning a case in court.

KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI notes the achievement of our team, which includes the lawyer admitted to practice in 1982 (42 years of experience before common courts). The Polish Supreme Court verifies cases very rarely. Despite the fact that the Polish Supreme Court does not have to accept a given case for consideration, in one of our recent cases we convinced the Polish Supreme Court to review the case and verify the final unfavourable decision of our Client's case, with which the Client approached our firm at the last stage.

KIELTYKA GLADKOWSKI’s litigation practice lawyers are authorized to represent their clients in commercial cases, also of a cross-border profile, before all courts, including the Supreme Court.

The Client contacted our lawyers in the final phase of the case, i.e.:

1/ after two decisions of the social insurance body denying his rights;

2/ after two instances of a common court in the standard two-instance course, which verified the negative position of the administrative body.

The history of the case shows that it is very difficult to convince the Polish Supreme Court, which is a special body in relation to lower courts.

The Polish Supreme Court receives cases that have been verified multiple times, and the lawyer's task is to find particularly striking arguments to show that your case before the Supreme Court will serve other similar cases in the future.

This is exactly what the lawyers of KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI managed to achieve in this case. Thanks to the actions of the lawyers of our law firm, the Polish Supreme Court will add another future decision based on our case, which will create a new line of case law.

KIEŁTYKA GŁADKOWSKI KG LEGAL strives to exercise the utmost diligence in serving our Clients, and this case is proof that the activity of our lawyers is law-making.

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Content supplied by Kieltyka Gladkowski KG Legal