Julie Marsh > Boyes Turner > Reading, England > Lawyer Profile

Boyes Turner
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Work Department

Medical Negligence


Julie is a partner and long-standing member of the medical negligence team at Boyes Turner and specialises in complex and high value clinical negligence work. She specialises in cases involving spinal cord injury including cauda equina syndrome cases, amputation and cases involving infections such as meningitis.

Julie is committed to making a difference to the lives of those severely injured as a result of medical negligence. She investigates cases thoroughly leaving no stone unturned and secures early admissions of liability as a result, allowing applications for substantial interim payments to help clients access support and rehabilitation.

Julie writes on topical issues relating to clinical negligence and is especially interested in issues relating to spinal cord injuries and amputation.


Julie obtained a degree from Keele University and worked as a paralegal in Kent before joining Boyes Turner in 2008 as a trainee, and becoming a Partner in 2022.


AvMA, Law Society Clinical Negligence Panel, APIL Litigator.

Lawyer Rankings

South East > Insurance > Clinical negligence: claimant

(Next Generation Partners)

Julie MarshBoyes Turner

Boyes Turner has a demonstrably strong record on high value and both medically and legally complex cases of maximum severity. Critical brain injuries, including child brain injuries, and cerebral palsy claims comprise the bulk of the team’s caseload. Pre-eminent clinical negligence lawyer and brain injury expert Susan Brown leads the practice, specialising in child brain injury arising from birth asphyxia and trauma. Richard Money-Kyrle is ‘an unflappable personality who is calm under pressure and secures great results for his clients’. ‘Outstanding claimant solicitor’ Julie Marsh and the ‘bright, efficient, really hard-working’ Vanessa Wand come highly recommended by clients.