Maitre François de CAMBIAIRE > Seattle Avocats > Paris, France > Lawyer Profile

Seattle Avocats
75009 PARIS

Work Department

Droit de la Presse
Droit Pénal des Affaires
Droit Commercial et des Sociétés
Droit de l'Environnement et Droit Public
Droit de la Responsabilité Civile et des Contrats
Droit Bancaire, Patrimoine et Investissement




Membre du Bureau pénal du barreau de Paris depuis 2012
Membre bénévole de Barreau de Paris Solidarités
Tuteur PQPM – Une Grande Ecole Pourquoi pas moi ?


Diplômé de l’ESSEC Grande Ecole –  MBA
Master II de droit bancaire et financier – Université Paris II Assas
Master II de droit des affaires – Université Paris II Assas

Lawyer Rankings

France > Environment

Noted for its experience in climate litigation, Seattle Avocats advises on mandates concerning private environmental law, including compensation and prevention of environmental damage, social and environmental responsibility and duty of care, and repression of environmental damages. Sebastien Mabile, who acts for local authorities and NGOs in high-stakes environmental cases, jointly leads the team alongside François de Cambiaire and Emmanuel Tordjman.

France > Media and entertainment: Newspapers

(Leading partners)

François de Cambiaire – Seattle Avocats

Composed of experienced media experts, the press law team at Seattle Avocats represents clients across the media and communications sectors. The group’s extensive and diverse clientele includes press groups, online press editors and blog hosts, and the team has a strong background representing individuals in reputation or privacy matters. Press and media law expert Emmanuel Tordjman co-heads the team, advising newspapers and public agents on both daily press activities and contentious matters. Practice co-head François de Cambiaire fields niche expertise in e-reputation matters, advising companies on communication and strategic campaigns. François Ronget co-leads the group, focusing on the audio-visual and film production space. Olivia Lévy counts artists, authors and entertainers among her clients, advising on press and IP law cases.