Giamundo Neto Advogados
Camillo Giamundo
- Email[email protected]
Work Department
He has extensive experience in issues related to public procurement of infrastructure works and services, including the Transposition of the São Francisco River, Lines 2 and 5 of the Metrô-SP and the Urbanization Program of Paraisópolis (SP), in addition to important works sanitation, highways and ports. He also helped with the legal consultancy for the Arena do Grêmio project, in the city of Porto Alegre – RS.
In consultancy, it participates in projects for the legal modeling of bids, Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) and concessions, advising companies in bidding processes, from the preliminary phase, through the bidding procedure and subsequent contracting, to the end of the execution of the project. contract, acting in the administrative scope, judicial litigation and advisory.
Assists in matters related to contractual administration, with the analysis of situations and usual problems, incidents in works and services contracted by the Public Power, aiming to mitigate risks and seek legal solutions for conflicts eventually faced by companies.
Acts in inspection processes promoted by the State Courts of Accounts and the Federal Court of Accounts, in defense of the regularity of contracts, additions and technical and commercial proposals of companies and consortia, throughout the procedure.
He has experience in competition law, assisting clients in the development of compliance programs aimed at preventing anti-competitive conduct, as well as representation and defense in administrative proceedings before CADE.
In the field of Corporate Law, he has experience in incorporating and structuring companies and routine corporate matters for companies.
In litigation, he has experience in claims that include civil inquiries, public civil actions, administrative improbity actions, anti-corruption, popular actions, among others, in addition to conflicts with the Public Power (compensation, collection, writ of mandamus, etc.), with private contractors and third parties.
In arbitration, he has experience in guiding, analyzing and drafting arbitration agreements, arbitration clauses and dispute resolution, as well as acting in arbitration and mediation procedures, being a member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee - CBAR.
Assistant professor at PUC Law School, in the field of Administrative Law
Member of the Special Committee on Infrastructure and Development of OAB-SP
Effective member of the Institute of Lawyers of São Paulo - IASP
Member of the São Paulo Lawyers Association – AASP
Member of the Brazilian Arbitration Committee – CBAr.
Member of the Brazilian Sanctioning Administrative Law Institute - IDASAN
Member of the body of arbitrators and mediators of the Italian-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce – CAMITAL.