Region Area


Thays Chrystina Munhoz de Freitas

Thays Chrystina Munhoz de Freitas

Work Department



Has extensive experience in the area of ​​Administrative Law, with an emphasis on public tenders, administrative contracts and concession contracts, acting in the administrative, judicial and advisory areas.

In the advisory area, it participates in bidding modeling projects, Public-Private Partnerships and concessions, advising companies in the respective bidding processes, from the preliminary phase, through the bidding procedure and subsequent contracting, until the end of the execution of the contract.

Conducts legal audits of administrative contracts, lawsuits and administrative procedures, aiming to identify risks and legal solutions with a view to removing and/or mitigating them, as well as proposing measures to resolve conflicts eventually faced by companies.

Acts in inspection processes promoted by the Municipal and State Courts of Accounts and the Federal Court of Accounts, related to instruments for the transfer of public resources and, likewise, in the defense of the regularity of contracts, amendments and technical and commercial proposals of companies and consortia .

In litigation, it acts in judicial and administrative demands, which include civil inquiries, sanctioning administrative procedures, public civil actions, improbity actions, popular actions, expropriations, among others, in addition to conflicts with the Public Power (compensation, collection, writ of mandamus , etc.).

He also has experience in Third Sector Law, assisting organizations in the sector, and companies that relate to them, on the norms and practices related to their area of ​​expertise. His experience also involves acting before control bodies and proposing judicial and administrative measures aimed at serving and protecting the interests and rights of clients.


Lawyer graduated from Centro Universitário de São Paulo (2005) and specialized in Administrative Law from the Pontifical Catholic University of São Paulo (PUC-SP). Graduate Student in Administrative Law at FGVlaw/SP


Content supplied by Giamundo Neto Advogados