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Mauricio Moreira Menezes

Mauricio Moreira Menezes


Managing Partner


Mauricio is specialized in business law, including corporate, mergers and acquisitions, capital market, banking, business contracts, anticorruption, reorganization/bankruptcy and arbitration. He started his career as a lawyer with the National Bank for Economic and Social Development – BNDES (1998-2000), where he was involved in transactions in the international capital market, in infrastructure end export financing.

Besides serving as a part-time professor in the undergraduate and graduate programs at Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ), he also is an invited professor at Getulio Vargas Foundation Law School (since 2005) and Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (since 2007).

He has published various legal works, among them the books “O Poder de Controle nas Companhias em Court-supervised reorganization” [“The Control Power in Corporations Undergoing Court-Supervised Reorganization”], published by Editora Forense in 2012 and “Aspectos Contemporâneos da Estrutura e Função do Poder de Controle Societário” [“Contemporary Aspects of the Structure and Function of the Power of Corporate Control”], published by Editora Processo in 2015. He took part in the preparation of “Tratado de Direito Comercial” [“Treatise on Commercial Law”], a collective work of eight volumes, published in 2015, in which he was responsible for the chapter concerning “Sociedades controladas, coligadas e subsidiárias integrais” [“Controlled, affiliated and wholly owned subsidiary companies”] (In: Fábio Ulhoa Coelho (coord.). Tratado de Direito Comercial, volume 3: sociedade anônima. São Paulo: Saraiva, 2015, pp. 285-419) as well as in the four volumes of “Código Civil Interpretado Segundo a Constituição da República” [“The Brazilian Civil Code Interpreted in Conformity with the Constitution of the Republic”] (co-author), published by Editora Renovar from 2006 to 2014. He has also published a large number of articles, including the following: “O abuso de gestão nas associações esportivas” [“Abuse of management positions in sports associations”], in FRAZÃO, Ana; GONÇALVES, Oksandro; CAMINHA, Uinie. (Org.). Associações: constituição, fundamentos e perspectivas. Rio de Janeiro: Processo, 2017, pp. 203-227; “O exercício da autonomia privada na recuperação judicial” [“The exercise of private autonomy in court-supervised reorganization”], Revista de Direito Recuperacional, v. 2, 2016; “Conformidade anticorrupção e ética corporativa” [“Anticorruption conformity and corporate ethics”], in HANSZMANN, Felipe. (Org.). Atualidades em Direito Societário e Mercado de Capitais. Rio de Janeiro: Lumen Juris, 2016, v. 1, pp. 331-367; “Financiamento Imobiliário via Mercado de Capitais” [“Real estate financing through the capital market”], Revista Semestral de Direito Empresarial, Rio de Janeiro, no. 15, pp. 27-56, 2015; “Companhia Institucional?” [“Institutional Company?”], in:Marcelo Leonardo Tavares (org.). Empresa e atividades econômicas, Rio de Janeiro: Freitas Bastos, pp. 47-78, 2015; “Considerações sobre o problema da exclusão de sócio da sociedade limitada por justa causa” [“Remarks about the problem of justifiable partner’s exclusion of a limited liabilty company”], Revista Semestral de Direito Empresarial, Rio de Janeiro, v. 11, pp. 3-38, 2014; “Aspectos históricos dos institutos jurídicos para solução da crise empresarial” [“Historical aspects of the legal mechanisms for solution of business crises”], in “(Re)Pensando o Direito: Desafios para a Construção de Novos Paradigmas” [“(Re)Thinking the Law: Challenges to Construction of New Paradigms”], Florianópolis: CONPEDI, 2014, pp. 270-299 (co-authored with Carlos Martins Neto); “A Law 11.101/2005 Interpretada Conforme a Constituição Federal e o Imperativo de Eficiência Econômica” [“Law 11,101/2005 Interpreted in Conformity with the Brazilian Constitution and the Imperative of Economic Efficiency”], Revista Semestral de Direito Empresarial, Rio de Janeiro, v. 6, pp. 115-145, Jan.-June 2010; “Nota sobre o dever de diligência do acionista controlador e sua conexão com a eficiência do processo de recuperação judicial da companhia controlada” [“A Note on the connection between the controlling shareholder’s duty of diligence and the efficiency of court-supervised reorganization of controlled companies”], Revista Semestral de Direito Empresarial, Rio de Janeiro, v. 5, pp. 255-287, July-Dec. 2009; “Panorama de l’arbitrage international au Brésil” [“Panorama of arbitration in Brazil”], in: Fauvarque-Cosson, Bénédicte; Wald, Arnoldo (org.). L’arbitrage en France et en Amérique latine à l’aube du XXIe siècle. 1st ed. Paris: Société de Legislation Comparée, 2008, pp. 375-392; “(Re)Avaliação dos Critérios de Classificação das Sociedades Empresárias” [“(Re)Evaluation of the Criteria for Classifying Business Enterprises”], Revista Semestral de Direito Empresarial, v. 2, pp. 27-50, Jan.-June 2008; Função Socioeconômica da Empresa em Court-supervised reorganization” [“Socioeconomic Function of Companies undergoing Court-Supervised Reorganization”], Revista Semestral de Direito Empresarial, v. 1, pp. 49-86, July-Dec. 2007; “Reflexões sobre o regime jurídico da coligação societária e a transferência de tecnologia entre sociedades coligadas” [“Reflections on the legal regime of corporate affiliation and transfer of technology between related companies”], Revista de Direito Mercantil Industrial, Econômico e Financeiro, v. 141, pp. 147-168, Jan.-March 2006; “Resolução de Acordo de Acionistas com base na quebra da affectio societatis” [“Termination of shareholders agreements caused by breach of affectio societatis”], Revista Trimestral de Direito Civil, Rio de Janeiro, v. 23, July-Sept. 2005, pp. 153-167; “Cessão e Circulação de Crédito no Código Civil” [“Assignment and Circulation of Credit Instruments under the Brazilian Civil Code”], in: Tepedino, Gustavo (org.). Obrigações. Rio de Janeiro-São Paulo-Recife: Renovar, 2005, pp. 211-247; “A Responsabilidade Civil dos Administradores de Instituições Financeiras” [“The Civil Liability of Financial Institutions’ Executives”], Revista da EMERJ, Rio de Janeiro, v. 7, n. 25, pp. 137-158, 2004.

He acts as an arbitrator and is a frequent speaker at academic events in Brazil and abroad and sits on several boards of examiners for academic works and public examinations for teaching positions, besides being a member of the board of examiners in business law of the OAB/RJ and the Federal Council of the OAB.


Portuguese, English, French, Italian and Spanish.


Mauricio is editor of Revista Semestral de Direito Empresarial, published under the academic responsibility of the Department of Commercial and Labor Law of Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ).

He is member of the Special Jurists Commission instituted by the Brazilian Chamber of Deputies for the revision of the Brazilian Commercial Code. He is member of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) and the Corporate Responsibility and Anti-Corruption Commission of the ICC, Institute of Brazilian Lawyers (IAB), Permanent Commission of Business Law of the Institute of Brazilian lawyers (IAB), Organizing Committee of the Brazilian Commercial Law Congress, Business Law Committee of Civil Law Meetings and Scientific Law Committee of the Commercial Law Meetings, organized by the Center for Legal Studies of the Federal Justice Council, and Business Law Committee of the Brazilian Bar Association, Rio de Janeiro State Chapter (OAB/RJ). He was formerly a member of the Committee on Law Firms of the OAB/RJ (2007-2012), the Arbitration Committee of the OAB/RJ, as well as an arbitrator and vice-president of the OAB/RJ Chamber of Mediation and Arbitration OAB/RJ (2007-2009).


Bachelor of Laws – Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) Master of Laws – Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ) Doctoral Degree – Rio de Janeiro State University (UERJ)


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