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Michał Sieroń

KPMG Law, Poland


Michał specializes in the law of new technologies, intellectual property law and data protection law.

He has gained his practical knowledge and experience providing services for domestic companies, foreign entrepreneurs and the public sector. He assists the leading automotive and finance companies in the matters concerning copyright law, personal data protection and issues related to ongoing business activity. He has a great deal of experience in proceedings before public administration authorities, particularly in the regulatory field of the telecommunications industry. He has been involved as a member of interdisciplinary teams in complex projects concerning GDPR compliance as well as legal teams conducting due diligence examinations and developing procedures regarding Employee Capital Plans.


Member of the Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law




Master of Law, Faculty of Law and Administration, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń

Graduate of Attorney’s-at-Law training in Warsaw Bar Association of Attorneys-at-Law

Graduate of postgraduate course, Modern Technologies law, Kozminski University in Warsaw