Damiani & Damiani International Law Firm
Pasquale Perez
- Phone(+39) 091347868
- Email[email protected]
Work Department
Intellectual property, IT & Media
Pasquale Perez is a passionate and expert in IP Law, with a thesis about “Intellectual Property Law and the WPO” and a dissertation about “Genericide of trademark”. He has an international legal background flourished with an economic approach, developed within his working experience in several jurisdictions. In fact, Pasquale worked in Denmark, at the IP Law department of NJORD Law Firm (Copenhagen) and Belgium, at the EUC Group, in the European projecting programme (Brussels). Pasquale was only 22 when he successfully defended a worldwide renowned brand from counterfeiting acts, appealing to OHIM. Thanks to his brilliant defense, the company owner of the brand recouped a loss of approximately 300.000 euro.
Italian Spanish
Pasquale Perez ha conseguito un master, conseguito nel programma LL.M in Diritto della proprietà intellettuale presso il Trinity College di Dublino, in Irlanda e una laurea, conseguita con lode in LL.B. programma presso la Business Law School dell'Università Lum Jean Monnet, a Bari (Italia). Come vincitore di una borsa di studio nel programma di scambio Erasmus, ha frequentato con successo corsi di diritto contrattuale spagnolo e diritto arbitrale presso l'Università Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid (Spagna)