List G Barristers

Daniel Preston
- Phone03 9225 8558
- Profilewww.listgbarristers.com.au
Work Department
List G Barristers.
Daniel practises in commercial law, with a focus on regulatory and competition and consumer law.
Prior to coming to the bar, Daniel was a partner in the Competition and Regulatory team at Herbert Smith Freehills, where he regularly advised clients in relation to the application of the Australian Consumer Law and the Competition and Consumer Act.
Since coming to the bar, Daniel has represented clients in a range of commercial matters in various courts and tribunals including before VCAT, the Magistrates Court, Supreme Court and Federal Court and also in examinations conducted by the ACCC under s155 of the Competition and Consumer Act. He also regularly advises clients in relation to competition and regulatory matters.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation