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Andrew Cameron

Andrew Cameron

Work Department

List G Barristers


Andrew Cameron has a broad national commercial and public law practice.

His practice comprises complex matters involving constitutional, corporations law, contract, equity & trusts, valuation and real property, commercial crime, royal commissions and inquiries.

Andrew is currently a director of List G Barristers and teaches in the Bar Readers’ Course on written evidence.

Andrew has been recognised in Best Lawyers in Australia and Doyle’s Guide to Leading Commercial Litigation & Disputes Barristers.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation


Andrew holds a Bachelor of Commerce, Bachelor of Laws (Hons) and a Master of Laws, all from the University of Melbourne. He won a number of academic prizes during his studies.

He completed his articles at Minter Ellison and read with Wendy Harris KC and David Batt KC.


Andrew is currently a member of the Board of Directors of List G Barristers.

He is a former part-time member of the Commonwealth Administrative Appeals Tribunal, where he heard a range of matters in the General Division.


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