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Peter Willis SC

Peter Willis SC

Work Department

List G Barristers


Peter Willis SC appears and advises in a wide range of corporate and commercial and public law matters.

Peter's experience focuses on commercial law and equity, especially in financial services and resources, as well as public law (constitutional and administrative law, international law and native title) for Government and private clients. He has served as a director and compliance committee member of an Australian financial services licensee and as chairman of the Disciplinary Appeals Board of the Victorian Education department.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Peter was a partner of Mallesons Stephen Jaques and acted in corporations and securities, commercial, banking and finance and resources transactions in Melbourne and London. He also served as Ministerial Adviser to two Federal Attorneys-General.

He is an Executive Committee member of the International Law Association Victorian chapter and Australian representative on the ILA's International Securities Regulation Committee of experts and a Senior Advisor to Transparency International Australia.

Liability limited by a scheme approved under the Professional Standards Legislation


AMPLA (Australian Mining & Petroleum Law Assoc)

American Society of International Law

Australian Institute of Administrative Law

International Bar Association (Sections on Business Law and Energy, Environment & Resources Law)

International Law Association (Vice-President, Victorian Committee)

Law Council of Australia (Business Law and International Law sections)

Member of the Board of Directors of List G Barristers

Victorian Bar - Commercial Bar Association (chair, Equity Section)

Victorian Bar - Human Rights Committee (chair)

Victorian Bar - Indigenous Justice Committee

Victorian Planning & Environmental Law Association


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