List G Barristers
Chris Fenwick
- Phone03 9225 8558
Work Department
List G Barristers
Chris advises and appears in:
- corporate and personal insolvency matters; and
- commercial law matters (contract, consumer law, equity, trusts, banking/ enforcement of securities, and corporations law).
Prior to coming to the Bar, Chris was a Senior Associate in the insolvency team of Ashurst Australia.
Since coming to the Bar, Chris has advised and appeared in matters involving:
Winding up and bankruptcy proceedings and advice
Public examinations
Voidable transaction and insolvent trading claims
Insolvent trading
Managed Investment Schemes
Appointment of liquidator of trustee company as receiver of trust assets
Approval of external administrators’ remuneration
Applications for extension to the convening period
Applications for the appointment of a special purpose liquidator
Applications for judicial advice (Order 54)
Contracts, debt, guarantee, enforcement of security
Consumer Law
Freezing and search orders
Contempt of Court
Removal of caveats
Applications for approval of settlements reached by representative parties
Breach of director’s duty/ fiduciary duty, accessorial liability, constructive/ resulting trusts
Dismissal of proceedings based on the res judicata
Domestic Building
Tenancy – residential and retirement village
Consumer/ trader disputes
Water Act
Chris has a Bachelor of Laws and Arts (with Honours) from Monash University and a Master of Laws from the University of Melbourne. In 2011, he completed the ARITA advanced insolvency course with High Distinction.
Additionally, Chris lectures at Monash University (JD and Undergraduate) in Litigation & Dispute Resolution and Trusts, and has previously taught Contracts, Equity, and Corporations Law.
Chris read with Hamish Austin QC and his senior mentor was Paul Anastassiou QC.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards legislation.
Master of Laws (Melb)
Bachelor of Laws (Mon)
Bachelor of Arts (Hons)(Mon)