Mr Flemming Elbaek > Haugaard | Braad > Aalborg, Denmark > Lawyer Profile

Haugaard | Braad
Skibbrogade 3, 3. sal
CVR 32 77 36 80

Work Department

Public law and EU- and national environmental law


Partner and attorney


Flemming has more than 10 years of experience of conducting public law proceedings, and especially proceedings relating to environmental and planning law, municipal law and general public administration.

Flemming joined Haugaard|Braad in 2014, and in 2018, he became a partner. In 2016, he was admitted to the Danish High Court, and he became a member of Lovkompass II (Legal Compass), a government appointed expert panel under the auspices of the Danish Ministry of Environment and Food. The expert panel drafted proposals for a new structure of the general legislation pertaining to food and the environment. Flemming also gives lectures in environmental and planning law at the Faculty of Law at Aalborg University.


English, Danish


– Flemming is a member of the Danish Bar and Law Association.
– Flemming is a member of Lovkompass II (Legal Compass), a government appointed expert panel under the auspices of the Danish Ministry of Environment and Food.


Flemming holds a LL.M. from Aarhus University.

Lawyer Rankings

Denmark > Environment

(Next Generation Partners)

Flemming Elbaek  – Haugaard | Braad

Haugaard | Braad is known in the marketplace for its strong capability across all aspects of Danish and EU environmental legislation, providing expert advice to both municipalities and large corporate clients. Flemming Elbaek heads up the practice group, with his work focusing on representing domestic manufacturing and utility companies on the full suite of environmental law issues.