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Anson Wong Yu Yat

Anson Wong Yu Yat


Anson obtained his Bachelor of Business Administration (Law) and Bachelor of Laws double degrees, as well as his Postgraduate Certificate in Laws (Full-time), at the University of Hong Kong. He served his pupillage with Ms Audrey Eu SC of Sir Oswald Cheung’s Chambers, Mr Hectar Pun SC and Mr Samuel KY Chan of Denis Chang’s Chambers, and Mr Samuel CH Yip of Plowman Chambers. He was called to the Hong Kong Bar in 2015.

Anson has developed a broad civil practice with particular interest in intellectual property and competition law matters. He is experienced in handling complex questions of law, including those of great general or public importance which reached the Court of Final Appeal. For example, he has recently appeared in (among others) three civil appeals before the Court of Final Appeal dealing with important questions concerning insolvency matters, land law and equity, service out of jurisdiction and statutory interpretation (see Re Hsin Chong Construction Co Ltd (2021) 24 HKCFAR 98, Cheung Lai Mui v Cheung Wai Shing (2021) 24 HKCFAR 116 and Fong Chak Kwan v Ascentic Ltd (2022) 25 HKCFAR 135 respectively). He also appeared in one of the first two enforcement actions before the Competition Tribunal, arguing issues relating to the burden and standard of proof as well as the proper approach for the determination of pecuniary penalties (see Competition Commission v W Hing Construction Co Ltd [2019] 3 HKLRD 46; [2020] 2 HKLRD 1229).

Anson is also well known for his active public law practice. He has vast experience in handling complex public law issues in a wide range of areas, including human rights, regulatory, disciplinary, immigration, discrimination and election-related matters, etc. For example, he acted for the applicants in the landmark judicial review cases challenging the lack of alternative framework for legal recognition of same-sex partnerships in Hong Kong (see Sham Tsz Kit v Secretary for Justice [2023] HKCFA 28; [2023] HKCFA 31), the constitutionality of the Emergency Regulations Ordinance and the “anti-mask” law (see Leung Kwok Hung v Secretary for Justice (2020) 23 HKCFAR 518 (CFA); [2020] 2 HKLRD 771 (CA); [2020] 1 HKLRD 1 (CFI)), as well as the constitutionality of the police power to search without warrant the digital contents of a mobile phone or similar device upon arrest (see Sham Wing Kan v Commissioner of Police [2020] 2 HKLRD 529).

Anson is a member of the Committee on Intellectual Property and Committee on Competition Law of the Hong Kong Bar Association.


Member, Disciplinary Committee Panel, Social Workers Registration Board (2023-)

Member, Committee on Intellectual Property, Hong Kong Bar Association (2019-)

Member, Committee on Competition Law, Hong Kong Bar Association (2019-)

Member, Committee on Constitutional Affairs and Human Rights, Hong Kong Bar Association (2016-2018; 2019-2022)

Member, Standing Committee on Civic Education, Hong Kong Bar Association (2016-2019)

Member, Standing Committee on Pupillage Reform, Hong Kong Bar Association (June 2017-2018)


2011 BBA (Law), University of Hong Kong

2013 LLB, University of Hong Kong

2014 PCLL, University of Hong Kong


Hong Kong Bar

Administrative and public law

Leading junior2
Anson Wong Yu Yat – Denis Chang’s Chambers ‘Anson has deep knowledge of the law with great attention to detail and he cuts through issues with ease. He is a brilliant mind with incomparable work and he is excellent to work with.’
Hong Kong Bar

Commercial disputes

Leading junior3
Anson Wong Yu Yat – Denis Chang’s Chambers ‘Anson is very comprehensive and creative in his research and very meticulous in his written work. His strength lies in his refusal to give up and his insistence in trying to find solutions around problems or obstacles to his client's case.'