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Valerio Vallefuoco

Valerio Vallefuoco

Work Department

Law, Tax


Founder and Managing Partner - Studio Legale Vallefuoco in alliance with Belluzzo International Partners


Valerio ia a lawyer authorised to appear before the higher courts. Formerly a professor of tax law, he now carries out his activities in the international field of commercial, tax and anti-money laundering law.

He lectures at the ‘Scuola Ispettori’, The Guardia di Finanza Academy, and the School for the Italian ‘tax police’ the Guardia di Finanza. Valerio has held teaching positions in national and international institutions for over 10 years (La Sapienza in Rome, ROME 3, LUM Jean Monnet University in Bari, UNINETTUNO University, Centro Studi Bancari Villa Negroni Ticino – Switzerland – SUPSI) in the subjects of international tax law and international criminal and anti-money laundering law.

A former member of the Advisory Board of the President of the Finance Commission of the Chamber of Deputies, he has carried out several Parliamentary Hearings in his field of competence.

He has been a contributing journalist for the Sole 24 Ore on the themes of international tax and anti-money laundering. Valerio has written numerous articles published in leading national daily financial newspapers and several contributions in research articles. He worked on the publication of three guides (2014-2015-2016) by Il Sole 24 Ore on voluntary disclosure and the Wolters Kluer guide on anti-money laundering (2017).

He is co-author (Giorgetti A. and V. Vallefuoco) of the book “Class action litigation in Italy, Europe and in the World” published by Giuffré Editore (2008) and ” The new anti-money laundering rules” published by Wolters Kluer (2017-2021 editions). He is among the authors of the book ” The liability of entities under Legislative Decree 231/2001 between law and process”, Giappichelli, 2021.

Valerio is currently a lecuturer on the masters’ course in anti-money laundering and compliance systems at the University Unitelma Sapienza in Rome.

He is managing partner at Studio Legale Vallefuoco & Associati S.r.l. in Rome and Milan, a law firm which specialises in the fields of national and international corporate, tax, and criminal law.

Valerio is regularly invited to speak at conferences on the themes of tax regulation, anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism.

He is a member of the Anti-Money Laundering Commission of the Rome Bar Association and an external member of the Anti-Money Laundering Commission of the Rome and Milan Bar Associations.

Valerio founded and is Vice President of AssoAML – Antimoney-laundering Association.


Italian, English


Lawyer - Rome Bar, authorized to appear before the Supreme Court of Cassation and in the higher Courts. Lecturer - Master Anti-money laundering and compliance systems, Unitelma Sapienza - Rome


Degree in Law

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