Mills & Reeve LLP


Beverley Firth

Beverley Firth

Mills & Reeve LLP, East Anglia

Work Department

Real estate planning.


Beverley’s recent work includes advising Urban&Civic, the owners and developers of Alconbury Weald, in connection with the planning application for its development. In 2011, Alconbury Weald was selected to become one of the government’s coveted Enterprise Zones and the project as a whole plans to create 8,000 jobs and 5,000 new homes over the next 25 years. Initially Beverley advised on planning strategy and provided a legal review of key application materials, including an extensive environmental statement, and on community infrastructure levy issues. Subsequently, Beverley has advised this client throughout the planning application processes and on the section 106 agreement and planning conditions. The section 106 has been negotiated using bespoke and novel drafting in order to maintain flexibility throughout the development and to aid marketing and disposals. Beverley has acted for BT and Aviva Investors in connection with their planning application to develop the Rugby Radio Station site – a planned expansion of Rugby. She has acted for the developers of CB1 in Cambridge. This is a mixed use scheme which is regenerating the railway station area of Cambridge. In relation to the same site, Beverley has advised a developer client on a number of joined appeals relating to the refusal of reserved matters and consent for demolition of existing properties contrary to officer advice (with a successful costs application). Beverley has acted for O&H, the developers of Hampton, the southern expansion of Peterborough. This has involved dealing with numerous variations to the original outline planning consents, to update these following viability reviews and changes in requirements, and handling a full range of planning enquiries, additional and supplemental planning consents and addressing issues arising from a phased disposal programme. Beverley has acted for the Ministry of Defence (MOD) in the section 106 agreement to release the planning permission for the redevelopment of Deepcut Barracks in Surrey. Beverley continues to work for Addenbrookes NHS Trust on planning matters relating to its ‘2020 vision’, which involves a major expansion into the Cambridge Green Belt Advising and NHS Trust on the redevelopment of two previous hospital sites to provide over 300 dwellings, land for retail and community uses and public open space.


Trainee solicitor Newcastle City Council 1979-81; solicitor Langbaurgh Borough Council 1981-83; solicitor Newcastle City Council 1983-85; solicitor North Hertfordshire District Council 1985-86; assistant legal director South Cambridgeshire District Council 1986-89; partner Mills & Reeve 1989.


University of Newcastle upon Tyne (LLB).
