
Andrew Ray

Andrew Ray

Mills & Reeve LLP, East Anglia

Work Department

PFI and projects.


Andrew practices exclusively on projects work including PPPs and outsourcings. He acts for a range of public sector organisations, bidders and funders across several sector areas, including detention, health, higher education, waste, office accommodation and transport. Among Andrew’s current clients are the Ministry of Defence, a number of National Health Trusts, a leading international detentions company based in the US, universities and local authorities. Recent work includes acting for a leading South London Mental Health Trust with its two site rebuild, funded via a sale of trust land, and through an innovative development arrangement; numerous large scale defence projects, including a pathfinder project to transform the approach to procurement of battleground communications equipment (involving multiple single source and competitive procurements); advising a South Coast Council on its PPP for Leisure facilities; advising a  major international Leisure Operator on the provision of a green energy centre to provide heat for its key attractions; and advising the government of the Republic of South Africa on the roll out of its prisons PPP programme and subsequent refinancing initiative. Andrew is a regular provider of training to clients on legal issues so they can adopt “self- help” to solve problems before requiring more specialist legal input. 


Trainee solicitor Lovells 1986-89; solicitor 1989-91; solicitor Masons 1991-98; partner 1998-2002; partner Mills & Reeve 2002.


University of Southampton (LLB Hons Law)