Region Area


Marash Logu

Marash Logu


Senior Associate


In addition to his studies, he has participated in various trainings from the International Republican Institute, National Democratic Institute, Robert Schumann Institute, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung and Hans Seidel on the rule of law, democracy and human rights.

He has been engaged as an intern in the Parliament of Albania, assisting the chairperson of the Committee for Education and Public Information. Then he worked as a legal assistant at the Tirana Legal Aid Society, focusing on providing free legal services to citizens in need. In the following, he worked as a lawyer at the enforcement company "Tirana Bailiff's". From July 2019 onwards, he worked as a lawyer at the "Halimi Law and Tax" law firm. He was part of the legal team that successfully represented prosecutor Besnik Cani in the Strasbourg Court in the case "Cani v. Albania".

In addition to his professional commitments, he has been engaged as a volunteer at World Vision Albania, a board member at the UN Youth Association Albania, president of the European Law Students Association Albania, legal advisor of the Civic Center and executive director of the GUXO Center.

He has written various articles, mainly on legal issues, in Panorama Newspaper, Exit News and

From May 2021 onwards, he has represented the Democratic Party in the Central Election Commission and in the Judicial Electoral College. From October 2021 to April 2023 he acted as the legal advisor of the Parliamentary Group of the DP in the Assembly of Albania. Also, he regularly represented the Parliamentary Group of the Democratic Party in the Constitutional Court.

Mr. Logu works as a lecturer of administrative law at Qiriazi University College since 2022. Previously, he worked as a lecturer at Wisdom University College.


He began his law studies at the Faculty of Law, Lyon III University, and then graduated with excellent results at the Faculty of Law, University of Tirana. He holds a master's degree in "EU Business Law" from the same university. He also successfully completed the School of European Integration and the School of Advocacy.