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Eleanor Sanderson

Eleanor Sanderson


Eleanor Sanderson is an expert practitioner in the fields of regulatory, criminal, environment and inquest law and specialises in the defence of corporates, individuals and public bodies against regulatory enforcement. She is recognised for her expertise in high profile and complex cases, often where proceedings attract public or political interest.

She defends in criminal prosecutions brought by the Health and Safety Executive, the Care Quality Commission, the Environment Agency, Fire Authorities, and Local Authorities. She is an expert inquest advocate. Eleanor also appears for companies and individuals before their professional regulators; and for corporates and individuals in complex fraud and SFO prosecutions. Eleanor also acts for public and private healthcare providers and individual clinicians in the field of healthcare regulation.

Cases include: The Paterson Inquests, Re CT (inquest re death on the underground); CQC v Rotherham NHS Trust (failures in paediatric assessment); R v VAL (corporate and gross negligence manslaughter); Re: SJW (fire death in psychiatric hospital); HSE v Bupa [2019] EWCA Crim 1691 (sentencing of very large organisations); the Grenfell Tower Inquiry; R v Cushman & Wakefield (fatality in storm Doris); Millmore v Environment Agency (obstruction of EA officers); EURIBOR prosecutions (conspiracy to rig ECB rate); CAA v Amazon (dangerous goods regulations); the Hillsborough Inquests (instructed by the Home Office); R. ex.p Southwark BC (judicial review re fire safety); R v DJ (News of the World prosecutions); R. v. Pyranha (corporate manslaughter); R. v. Sellafield (leading pre-guideline authority); Lakanal Inquests (Peckham tower block fire).


Called to the Bar 2005

Recorder of the Crown Court 2023


South Eastern Circuit, Health and Safety Lawyers Association


New College, Oxford,

City University, London


London Bar

Health and safety

Leading junior2
Eleanor Sanderson - Mayfair Place Chambers ‘Eleanor is very good on technical cases. She has excellent judgement.’