Region Area


Marielena Ulloa de Pineda

Work Department

Corporate, M&A, Corporate Governance, Contracts, Civil Law


Managing Partner


Managing Partner / Notary Coordinator of the firm Ulloa & Asociados.

Certified in the programmes of:

"Legal Aspects of International Business" (Georgetown University - INCAE) Managua, Nicaragua Management Program for Lawyers" Yale School of Management, New Haven, Connecticut. Conference "Global Employer Latin America", Speaker for Honduras, Miami, Florida Diploma in Civil Procedural Law In House Seminar on Transfer Pricing given by Seminarium, Seminar of Entry and Exit of People, Goods and Means of Transport and Customs Offences and their Sanctions

Interpretation of ISO 9001:2015, Internal Auditor ISO 19011 with focus on ISO 9001:2015. Level: Internal Auditor.


Member of the Honduran Bar Association,

Associate CSAP - International Registry of Certified Auditors (England)

Practitioner - Accountability, England.


Degree in Law and Social Sciences - Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras, Law Degree issued by the Supreme Court of Justice, Notary Exequatur issued by the Supreme Court of Justice No. 1422.