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Byron Robayo

Byron Robayo

Spingarn, Ecuador

Work Department

Intellectual Property




Byron Robayo is a partner at Spingarn and one of the attorneys with extensive experience in intellectual property, protection of trade secrets, and technology transfer in Ecuador. Throughout his professional career, he has handled Ecuador's most emblematic cases related to Intellectual Property, Unfair Competition, Health Law, Data Privacy, Trade Secrets, E-commerce, and Consumer Law for both national and international companies.

He has served as a consultant in drafting various regulatory frameworks currently in force in Ecuador across several areas, including Franchises, Licenses, Trade Secrets, Patents, Technology Transfer, Entrepreneurship and Innovation, and Crowdfunding. Presently, he holds the position of professor in the Commercial Law and Technology Transfer and Innovation courses at PUCE. Additionally, he serves as a lecturer in Innovation Management for the MBA program at EDES Business School and teaches Intellectual Property in the Digital Law Master's program at UDLA.


Spanish, English


Global Blockchain Business Council - GBBC Global Intellectual Property Alliance - GLIPA International Trademark Association - INTA Association of University TechnologyManagers - AUTM Asociación Interamericana de Propiedad Intelectual - ASIPI International Association for the Protection of the Intellectual Property - AIPPI Coalition Against Counterfeiting and Piracy of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce - CACP


Master of Laws in Commerce and Technology, UNH Franklin Pierce School of Law, 2015.

Master's in International Law, Foreign Trade, and International Relations, Instituto Superior de Derecho y Economía - ISDE, 2010.

Bachelor of Laws, Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador - PUCE, 2009.

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