
Pedro H. Catani Ferreira Leite

Work Department



Pedro H. Catani Ferreira Leite is a partner at Medina Osório Lawyers, registered with the Brazilian Bar Association since 2011 (OAB/PR 60,781 and OAB/DF 76,974). He is a member of the Franco-Brazilian Chamber of Commerce (CCI) and the German-Brazilian Lawyers Association (DBJV). He contributes annually to the update of Brazilian anti-corruption legislation through the French publisher Lexis 360 Entreprises.

Master in Social Law from the Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris I), 2013/2014; LL.M in International Commercial Law and Private International Law from the University of Dundee (Scotland), 2014; Master in Business Ethics and Compliance from the University of Cergy-Pontoise (France) - 2015. Specialized in Strategic Management of Legal Departments at INSPER, 2023, and Investment Funds in Receivables by AMBIMA, 2023. LL.M in Economic Criminal Law from IDP in 2024 (in progress).