
Alberto Testi

Alberto Testi

Work Department

Zambelli & Partners


Alberto Testi is Founding Partner at Zambelli & Partners.


Alberto Testi has significant experience in the handling of disputes and out-of-court settlements, with particular regard to executive employment relationships, the implementation of company transfers procedures and the planning and implementation of restructuring, reorganisation and downsizing plans for companies belonging to national and international groups. He has an in-depth knowledge of trade unions laws.

He is an established lecturer at many conferences organised by Il Sole 24 Ore, Paradigma and Synergia.

Alberto is the co-author of several books on employment law and trade union issues. The most recent of these are Crisi Aziendale e Rapporto di Lavoro (Company Crisis and the Employment Relationship) (collection of five books; Il Sole 24 Ore, 2018), which - on June 21, 2019 - has been awarded as the Best Book on Employment Law by the Labour Consultants Association of Milan; Diritto Sindacale - Le Relazioni Industriali dopo il Jobs Act (Trade Union Law - Industrial Relations after the Jobs Act) (Il Sole 24 Ore, 2015); and Diritto Sindacale (Trade Union Law and Industrial Relations) (Il Sole 24 Ore, fifth edition, 2012).


Italian, English


Member of AGI, Italian Employment Lawyers Association (AGI - Avvocati Giuslavoristi Italiani - Member of AIDP, Italian HR Managers Association (AIDP - Associazione Italiana per la Direzione del Personale -


Admitted to practice before the Supreme Court, 2015 Admitted to practice law in Italy, 2002 Degree in Law, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan, 1997
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