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Andrea Marziale

Andrea Marziale

LawaL STA, Italy




Andrea Marziale graduated in law in July 1995 at La Sapienza University in Rome (after 3 years studying Economics and Business) he passed the bar exam in October 1998 at the Court of Appeal of Rome and attended a 2 year course at the Notary School of “Anselmo Anselmi” in Rome in 1996/1997 and completed his Notary traineeship in 1997.

In 2005, 2006, 2007 he acted as contract Professor of Employment Law in the undergraduate course at the La Sapienza University in Rome, Faculty of Medicine and Surgery. Since 2006 he  has taught in serveral specialised training courses including in Anthropology, Sociology and Risk Management. Since 2007, Andrea has held a number of conferences and seminars on employment law, privacy and control over workers, the legal figure of the Compliance Officer, and since 2010 has participated in several workshops. Since 2011 Andrea is a member of the Rome Bar Association’s Employment Law Project. Andrea is Admitted to the Supreme Court since 2016.

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