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Alfredo Aspra is managing partner of the Firm, where he leads a team of more than 30 professionals in Spain, located in the Madrid, Valencia and Seville offices. Alfredo has more than 21 years of experience in the profession and specializes in advising national and international companies operating in both the private and public sectors in the practice of labour and employment law. Within the field of labour law, he is also an expert in: - Restructuring, Collective Dismissal Proceedings, Restructuring in Bankruptcy Proceedings, Layoffs, Plant Closures, and Deconcentration of production (transfer of companies, outsourcing and subcontracting of activities). - Negotiation of collective bargaining agreements, company agreements, substantial modifications of working conditions, internal flexibility mechanisms, arbitration agreements, unfair labour practices. - Litigation. Non competes, privacy, senior executives, injunctions, employee handbooks, employment policies, investigations, unfair dismissals. - Definition of legal mechanisms in complex issues of special business transcendence of collective character, building and drafting the corresponding agreement. - Advice on union law, electoral processes, strikes, discrimination, labour disputes, complaints and arbitration, defamation, warn act. Alfredo Aspra is a well-known professional in the labour law sector. He is a "go to" lawyer for the most difficult and complex issues that arise in Spain.    
Jaime Silva has more than 17 years of professional experience in labour law advisory for national and international companies alike. His main area of expertise within the field of labour legislation focuses on top management/company administrators, collective matters, and litigation. He also advises on different matters in his field including ongoing advice, international mobility, labour litigation, labour and social security inspections, among others, for many different companies and groups. He is a specialist in labour litigation to companies in public and private sector and he has wide experience in construction and healthcare industry and the posting of workers abroad.
Pedro Alonso has more than 17 years of professional experience in labour law advisory, advises on different matters in his field including ongoing advice, international mobility, labour litigation, labour and social security inspections, among others, for many different companies and groups. He has handled all types of cases before the Labour Courts, both at first instance and at an appeal and cassation stage, acting before the competent Labour Authority or Employment Inspectorate, as applicable. He has participated in collective negotiations with unions and work councils and also advised companies to negotiate their own collective bargaining agreement. He has also participated in many national and international transactions and advised for both during an acquisition process as well as in the post-merger integration. The advice has been in previous reviews and due diligence processes, and in the effective labour and social security implementation of the acquisition.
Puy Abril has more than 15 years of experience. Throughout her career, she has balanced her role as a researcher and a lecturer with her role as a labour law adviser for companies. Her role as a consultant has allowed her to learn first-hand on the problems that arise out of employment legislation and to offer suitable solutions by thoroughly analysing each of the cases presented to her. PhD in Labour Law and Social Security Law (Summa Cum Laude/Premio Extraordinario). Her main area of expertise within the field of labour legislation focuses on Collective cases, Equality, Diversity and Work-Family Life Balance: design, negotiation, and implementation of equality plans and work-family life balance policies. In the last year, she has advised several important Spanish companies in the implementation of their equality plans.
Mr. Juárez has more than 16 years of professional experience in labour law advisory for national and international companies alike, both within the public and the private domain, in all kinds of sectors and industries. His main area of expertise within the field of labour legislation focuses on collective cases and litigation. Thus, as part of the labour law discipline, he is an expert in: Complementary Social Welfare: undertaking or suppression, as the case may be, of commitments by reason of pensions and the creation of social welfare systems (Pension Plans of the employment system and/or collective life insurance contracts) conventional obligations in terms of commitments by reason of pensions, Pension Plans and Funds, collective insurance, etc. Legal Practice: Collective conflicts and controversies, dismissals for objective reasons, dismissals for disciplinary reasons, contract terminations related to the creation of a corporate succession, illegal transfer, unfair competition, etc. Restructuring: collective dismissals, collective suspensions of employment contracts and/or work schedule reductions and employment reorganisations in pre-bankruptcy and bankruptcy procedures, labour issues linked to corporate reorganisation in mergers, split-ups, split-offs or spin-offs. Collective Bargaining: statutory collective bargaining agreements (for a sector, for a company, or for company groups), extra-statutory agreements or covenants, substantial modifications to work conditions, geographical mobility, mechanisms of internal flexibility, etc.  
Throughout her career, she has combined lecturing and research activities with her position as a Lawyer for the Technical Board of the Supreme Court of Spain, which reports to the Labour Division, where she has also carried out her role as Coordinating Lawyer of the Technical Office of the Supreme Court. She has been an analyst for the Documentation Centre of the General Council of the Judiciary and has been a member of the International Committee of the Technical Office of the Supreme Court of Spain. She has a PhD in Labour Law and Social Security (summa cum laude-premio extraordinario), a Master’s Debree in Legal Law (LLM) issued by the Marshall Whyte School of Law of the College of William and Mary in Virginia (USA), and she has conducted several predoctoral fellowships at the European Law Research Center of Harvard Law School, as well as several postdoctoral fellowships at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada). She stands out for her qualified experience, inter alia, in the following areas of expertise: European Law: Foundational law and derived law of the European Union, the European Social Charter, the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Court of Justice, and the European Court of Human Rights. Social-Labour Policies: Active and passive employment policies in the European Union and in Spain, vocational training, economic, social and territorial cohesion, health and safety policies in the workplace, policies aimed at specific groups: women, protection measures for families, young people and elderly people, disabled people, immigration, etc. Labour Procedural Law: Jurisdiction issues (objective, territorial, functional, etc.), procedural actions, adequacy or lack of adequacy of a proceeding, ordinary proceedings and special proceedings, consolidation of several claims, of several cases, of several appeals; appeals for reversal of labour judgements, cassation appeals for the unification of jurisprudence, extraordinary appeals (complaint, nullity, etc.), judgement execution, etc. Social Security matters: Contributory and welfare unemployment benefits , social benefits for companies (subsidies, Social Security contribution rebates, etc.), retirement benefits, temporary and permanent disability benefits, occupational accident and occupational disease benefits, additional Social Security benefits, indemnities for damages, etc.