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Yolanda Cano

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Of Counsel


University Head Professor | Degree lecturer and Master’s Degree and PhD lecturer, specialised lecturer, national and international researcher, lecturing coordinator and supervisor of several PhD theses and coordinated research. Coordinating Lawyer of the Technical Office of the Supreme Court. Coordination of the reports drafted by the Lawyers of the Supreme Court of Spain who report to the Social Security section with regard to cassation appeals for the unification of jurisprudence, court orders refusing leave to proceed with the appeal, analyses and methodical arrangement of case law on Social Security, setting of judgement dates for the different procedures. Lawyer of the Technical Office of the Supreme Court. Elaboration of reports on cassation appeals for the unification of jurisprudence, both on labour matters and on Social Security matters, extraordinary appeals (complaint, proceeding nullity, etc.), elaboration of a summary of labour and social security case law for the General Council of the Judiciary. Member of the International Committee of the Technical Office of the Supreme Court of Spain. Elaboration of reports on European and international law, analysis, methodical arrangement and translation of the judgements by the European Court of Justice, the European Court of Human Rights, the Constitutional Court, and the Iberian-American Court. Assistance to representatives of international courts. Analyst of the Documentation Centre of the General Council of the Judiciary. Summary, analysis and methodical arrangement of the judgements issued by the Labour Division of the Supreme Court, legal jurisprudence and case law links, both from the Labour Division and from other Divisions of the Supreme Court (Civil Division, Criminal Division, Contentious-Administrative Division).


Founding Member of the Network of Gender Studies (GENET in Spanish) of the CSIC (Spanish High Council of Scientific Research). Member of the Project Supreme Courts as guarantee for effectiveness of judicial systems in the European Union, within the frame of the European Union Projects on “the “Quality of the National Justice Systems”, with the participation of: The Supreme Court of Latvia, the Supreme Court of Hungary, the Supreme Court of Lithuania, the Supreme Court of Spain, the University of Antwerp in Belgium and the University of Ljubljana. Co-director of the Project R+D on Collective Bargaining. Work-Life Balance, financed by the Ministry of Work and Immigration and the Institute of Women. Coordinator of the Observatory of Spanish Schedules (2006-2009). Coordinator of the Social Policy of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office of Social Policy, Environmental Quality and Healthy University of the Rey Juan Carlos University (2006-2010). Member of the Law Society of Madrid


Throughout her career, she has combined lecturing and research activities with her position as a Lawyer for the Technical Board of the Supreme Court of Spain, which reports to the Labour Division, where she has also carried out her role as Coordinating Lawyer of the Technical Office of the Supreme Court. She has been an analyst for the Documentation Centre of the General Council of the Judiciary and has been a member of the International Committee of the Technical Office of the Supreme Court of Spain. She has a PhD in Labour Law and Social Security (summa cum laude-premio extraordinario), a Master’s Debree in Legal Law (LLM) issued by the Marshall Whyte School of Law of the College of William and Mary in Virginia (USA), and she has conducted several predoctoral fellowships at the European Law Research Center of Harvard Law School, as well as several postdoctoral fellowships at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver (Canada).

She stands out for her qualified experience, inter alia, in the following areas of expertise:

European Law: Foundational law and derived law of the European Union, the European Social Charter, the European Convention on Human Rights, the European Court of Justice, and the European Court of Human Rights. Social-Labour Policies: Active and passive employment policies in the European Union and in Spain, vocational training, economic, social and territorial cohesion, health and safety policies in the workplace, policies aimed at specific groups: women, protection measures for families, young people and elderly people, disabled people, immigration, etc. Labour Procedural Law: Jurisdiction issues (objective, territorial, functional, etc.), procedural actions, adequacy or lack of adequacy of a proceeding, ordinary proceedings and special proceedings, consolidation of several claims, of several cases, of several appeals; appeals for reversal of labour judgements, cassation appeals for the unification of jurisprudence, extraordinary appeals (complaint, nullity, etc.), judgement execution, etc. Social Security matters: Contributory and welfare unemployment benefits , social benefits for companies (subsidies, Social Security contribution rebates, etc.), retirement benefits, temporary and permanent disability benefits, occupational accident and occupational disease benefits, additional Social Security benefits, indemnities for damages, etc.


PhD in Labour Law and Social Security Law. Summa Cum Laude/Premio Extraordinario for the Thesis entitled: The right to unilaterally terminate the employment relationship in North American Law Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Visiting Scholar at the Law School of the University of British Columbia of Vancouver (Canada). Master in Legal Law (LLM), by the Marshall Whyte School of Law of the College of William and Mary of Virginia (USA). Visiting Researcher, at the European Law Research Center of Harvard Law School. Several refresher and lifelong learning courses and seminaries on case law and topics related to Labour Law and Social Security matters