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Inna Taptunova

Inna Taptunova

KM Partners, Ukraine

Work Department

Taxation; Assistance during Tax Audits; Distribution; Tax Consulting.


Partner, Attorney At Law. Specializes in taxation and tax planning matters, disputes with state authorities, use of natural resources and mining, trade and distribution, intellectual property. Recent work includes consulting projects for restructuring activities in Ukraine, mergers and acquisitions, structuring of profit repatriation, taxation of foreigners in Ukraine. Inna has also considerable practical experience in support of clients during tax audits and administrative appeals against tax bodies. Inna takes an active part in law-making activities of KM Partners. In particular, she took part in the drafting of the laws on the exit capital tax, the taxpayer’s e-cabinet, the Temporary register of applications for budget refunds and other. Inna is also the author of the publication “Transformation of tax on profit of the enterprises in exit capital tax”, 2016, issued with the support of the European Information and Research Center and USAID, and author of a number of other articles related to taxation and tax reform in Ukraine.

In 2018-2020 Inna has been recognized as one of the leading lawyers in tax law in Ukraine by the reputable ranking Best Lawyers.


Inna has over 15 years of professional experience. She joined KM Partners team in 2004 and became a partner of the firm in 2018. She is a member of KM Partners Attorneys in Law.


American Chamber of Commerce in Ukraine (ACC), European Business Association (EBA), U.S.-Ukraine Business Council (USUBC), Public Organization "ENRIGHTENED".


Vadym Getman Kyiv National Economic University, Master of Law, 1998.