Region Area


Carlos  Enríquez

Carlos Enríquez

Work Department

Corporate and M&A


Corporate and M&A Manager


Carlos has provided contractual and corporate advice to numerous national and foreign companies, leading merger operations, spin-offs, re-domicile of foreign companies, dissolution and liquidation procedures, establishment of branches, structuring of private investment funds, and advice on real estate projects.

He has been responsible for leading the Corporate Restructuring of the Auna Group (US$ 200 MM). In addition to this, he also led the Merger procedure of the Universidad Toulouse Lautrec (US$ 72.6 MM), one of the most relevant transactions for the education sector in 2021; the Corporate Reorganization for the transfer of administration of the Institute IFB CERTUS (US$ 60 MM); the Merger of the University of Sciences and Arts of Latin America (US$ 28 MM), one of the most important operations in the education sector of the Peruvian market; among other processes.

He is an adjunct professor of the “Corporations” Course at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú. Furthermore, he works as a speaker in training programs and teaches courses on Corporate Law. Among his most recent publications, we can find “The Excision of Experiences in Public Bidding” for Enfoque Derecho Magazine.


Carlos is a member of the Lima Bar Association


Carlos Enríquez is a lawyer from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, with a specialization in Corporate Law and M&A from IE Law School (Madrid). He has an International Diploma in Corporate Law from Universidad ESAN. Moreover, he has a Specialization in Analysis of Financial Statements and Cash Flow from the CENTRUM PUCP Business School and a Specialization Diploma in Corporate Law from the Lima Bar Association.