Region Area


Lily  Valderrama

Lily Valderrama

Work Department

Social & Government Relations


Social & Government Relations Chief


She has developed specialized studies and worked in residency, supervision, elaboration, execution, and liquidation of projects based on cultural heritage issues, citizen participation, management, and conflict resolution. She has implemented intervention strategies, coordination and dialogue tables aimed at local authorities, communities, grassroots social organizations, institutions, and others. 

Lily has extensive knowledge in organizational strategies and techniques, strengthening experiential learning and work environment, as well as inter-institutional work through coordination and agreements with the different local actors in the areas to be intervened. 

She has developed and supervised baselines, participatory community diagnostics and interdisciplinary research projects with qualitative and quantitative results.  

She also has experience in the implementation and auditing of occupational health and safety systems, work environment and group facilitation techniques. 


She has a master’s in social management at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, and a Degree in Anthropology at the San Antonio Abad del Cusco National University.