Dr Abdelaziz Toema > Quorum Law Office > Cairo, Egypt > Lawyer Profile

Quorum Law Office
Villa 18, El-Banafseg 1, New Cairo

Work Department

Oil and Gas


Attorney at Law


Abd El Aziz Toema is an attorney accepted to plead before the Court of First Instance. He specializes in drafting contracts specially related to the oil and gas sector in Egypt such as drilling, seismic, mud logging services and insurance coverage services, and represent clients in local and International Arbitrations under various rules including CRCICA, IC, UNCITRAL and ICSID in relation to disputes pertinent to the oil and gas industry. He also has experience in disputes arising as a result of execution of agency and management, assignment and consignment agreements. In addition thereto, Mr. Toeama is actively engaged in a variety of lawsuits, hence fortifying solid experience of working under many different legal jurisdictions and International Laws.


Arabic and English


Bachelor of Laws – Ain Shams University

Master of Laws – The Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport in Cairo