Region Area


Nazlıgül Akdemir

Nazlıgül Akdemir

Work Department

Employment / Dispute Resolution




Nazlıgül Akdemir graduated from Bahçeşehir University, Faculty of Law in 2022. During her undergraduate education, she did an internship at the Constitutional Court of Turkey. She studied for a semester at Julius-Maximilians Universität Würzburg as part of the Erasmus student exchange programme.

Nazlıgül Akdemir completed her legal internship at Ürey Hukuk, works in our office as a lawyer registered with the Istanbul Bar Association.

She supports our clients in various private law areas such as labor law, the law of obligations, commercial law and rental law in making and reviewing contracts, resolving disputes with alternative dispute resolution methods (Mediation, etc.), executing litigation processes, and consultancy.


İstanbul Bar Association


Bahçeşehir University Faculty of Law