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David Kuttenkeuler

David Kuttenkeuler

SKM-IP, Germany

Work Department

Life Sciences


Founding Partner

Patent Attorney

European Patent and Trademark Attorney

Representative before the Unified Patent Court (UPC)


Dr. David Kuttenkeuler works in the biotech/pharma and chemistry practice groups. Over the past 15 years, Dr. Kuttenkeuler has represented in a large number of opposition and appeal proceedings before the European Patent Office as well as nullity and infringement proceedings before German and other European courts.

He has particular expertise in the fields of pharmaceuticals, immunology, microbiology, molecular genetics, medical antibodies and T-cell receptors, as well as plant biotechnology. Numerous patents of high economic value for various biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies have been entrusted to him and his team at SKM-IP. Furthermore, Dr. Kuttenkeuler has extensive experience in the field of plant variety protection. He regularly comments on the development of intellectual property law in the life sciences and pharmaceuticals sector in various journals and platforms on current case law in Europe and the US.

Dr. Kuttenkeuler supports his clients in all areas of intellectual property law. His particular emphasis is on comprehensive and far-sighted advice. He has been able to successfully advise various biotech companies – some of them since their foundation – on the development of their patent portfolios and patent strategies for many years. This includes support in freedom-to-operate (FTO) analyses, drafting and timing of IP applications, conducting grant proceedings, defending and leading patent oppositions, and also extensive advice and organization in due diligence projects and in the context of the negotiation regarding license agreements.

David Kuttenkeuler is one of the five founding partners of SKM-IP.


Dr. Kuttenkeuler studied biology at the Universities of Regensburg and Heidelberg. His subsequent scientific career includes a doctorate at the renowned German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg followed by a research stay as a postdoc at the Sanger Center in Cambridge, Great Britain. His scientific work has been published in numerous journals, including Nature, Nature Immunology and EMBO.